Sunday, October 28, 2007

Monk(ie)s behind weCatholic

In various places I mention 'we' as if there is more than one person involved in weCatholic so far. Well, in addition to the communion of saints, to whom I turn daily for advice, and who, in return, receive endless entertainment at my foolery, I work with two flesh and blood lads who are generous and daft enough to give liberally of their time toward this endeavor to transform the world.

Additionally, various products are in various states of development and some have folks generously working with us on them.

The reality is that my gifts lie in playing with concepts and ideas and brining some semblance of order from the chaos (many would debate this bit!). That's it. Because of my brain injury I do not handle details well at all. If my computer doesn't do it at the push of a button, I am readily baffled. Hence the need for monk(ie)s besides myself, who can serve as blessed implementation managers so that the completely incoherent and non-concrete might become tangible and real.

If you are interested in becoming a weCatholic monk(ie), please see our Internship postings.

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