Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fifth Day of Christmas

December 30
Despair comes when the mind can no longer martial into order and sense the absurd grotesqueness about it. When the mind does thus feel, as it is doomed to, for it was never designed to grasp the infinite, it is the heart that must come to our aid. While the mind’s gift is the ordering of chaos, collecting of knowledge and setting into expression and memory our experiences, it is the heart that embraces the infinite, enters the mystical. The heart needs no understanding; it sees what is beyond understanding and knowing. It accepts the mystery and enters into the experience and shows us more than we’ve ever imagined existed. Then the mind’s simple job is to somehow interact with the ungraspable and inexpressible and find expression for it. Herein lies our hope when despair swallows us down – the heart is the fifth gift of Christmas for it helps us explore the land of darkness and despair and find Jesus there, ministering to those abandoned and lost, including ourselves. Merry Christmas!

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