Coming this Lent, 2009, an illustrated children's story missal that will help your kids enter Mass, and reveal it to you in a whole new way! One previewer (a children's catechist) said:
I'm quite excited about this! Project Life is a growing expose of photos celebrating Life and Human Dignity.
Contribute your photos!
They will join the growing slide show, and help send a positive message of the importance of life and of human dignity. View and join the Flickr group here and upload your photos!
Get the slideshow code here (in any size you want!). Then paste this html code and you'll automatically show an ongoing, evoloving, growing slide show celebrating life! (Yes, I moderate pictures to prevent inappropriate ones from being posted.)
The full description:
A growing celebration of life slideshow revealing what it means to be human and uphold human dignity. We would love to have your photo (or a few!) showing life and human dignity! Join our group and add your voice -- 1000 words at a time!
What is human dignity? The priceless gift given all people: that we are each made in God's image and we each have a unique aspect of God to reveal to the world. Because of this gift, we each have certain unalienable rights, among which are:
Life which begins at conception and is never ours to take
Liberty the freedom for every person to become the fulness of who God created them to be
Pursuit of Happiness which can only be found through Jesus our Christ, our beloved creator.